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Battle gear

Written by Sapper
Last updated on 2002-11-04

What to wear

The clothes you wear must be comfortable, and you shouldn't mind getting them dirty. The best type of material is nylon. But please, do NOT wear cotton! You may want to dress in layers... but probably not more than three. On cooler days, a windbreaker is good if stealth does not matter because it repels water fairly well. If stealth does matter, don't wear it because it tends to make noise when it rubs together.

Colors that are found in nature should be worn. Camouflage, whether military camouflage (preferably woodland) or hunter camo, should be worn. It should also be worn for night fights as well because not a lot of things in nature are truly black. The variety of colors breaks up your body pattern. If you don't have any camo, black, brown, olive drab, etc. are also good colors. Long sleeved shirts & pants are recommended. Face paint is good so are nets & hats. You should never wear sandals. A good pair of tennis shoes or hiking boots is good enough. It is a good idea to make sure you can run in them and that they are broken in. Also, it's a good idea to make sure they have good ankle support & traction. Gloves should be worn if possible... at least on your trigger-hand. This is because holding some blasters for long periods of times (a typical war for instance) will result in sores on your hand & fingers... and that is never good. Hunting gloves from Wal*Mart or even gardening gloves are good to use. Things to bring

Some recommended things to bring are listed below:

  • Sunglasses/Flashlight - Depending on whether it is daytime or nighttime. Both are intended to help one see more clearly depending on the lighting.
  • Water Bottles - I'd suggest about three to four liters per person. You may want to cache them (there is an article about caching further down).
  • Rope, String, Swiss-Army Knife, Duct-tape, etc. - Stuff needed for preparing traps, repairing weaponry on the fly or any just-in-case situation. These pieces of equipments are not very important in small water fights, but when in the middle of a forest, one never knows when these things could come in handy.
  • Food & Drinking water - If you are fighting a war longer than three hours, bringing food is probably a good idea. However, always try to bring drinking water because drinking water from the nozzle of your soaker is not a good - or recommended - idea... and it can hurt sometimes.

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